The power and poetry of this piece moved me Sarah. I have seen the word BELONGING at an increasing cadence over the last few years as DEIA (or IDEA as some prefer) but will never see it the same.

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I read this with much awe and respect. Funny but it made me remember in the 60s when all my comrades called cops 'pigs.' Of course, I understood why. Put someone in a uniform, give them a gun, and they're omnipotent. They believe they can behave with impunity, and they do horrible, murderous things. I don't like it. But I also didn't like the name calling. I didn't like the act of dehumanizing. Or the insult to pigs, our very smart cousins. There's a lot to think about here. But the direction is clear. To quote the great poet W.H. Auden: 'You shall love your crooked neighbour. With your crooked heart.'

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This is such a brave position. Recognizing the familiar struggles we keep choosing, while knowing down deep we are all one. And connecting the two through our individual somatic healing. Brilliant really. Thank you

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