Why subscribe?
In the spirit of both generating abundance and being real, I’m asking you for a $5 monthly subscription. I will write a post a month and I need enough people to subscribe to make this effort sustainable. I am going to work hard on this newsletter. I will conduct interviews, synthesize readings, be vulnerable and dig really deep. I will do my best to write from a place of vision, reflection and grounded hope.
Please consider paying for your own plus a few extra subscriptions that I will gift on your behalf to a formerly incarcerated or low-income reader. All posts will eventually be made public.
As a pre-subscription gift I am including a piece I co-created with Harriet Beinfield (author and co-founder of Chinese Medicine Works) to help you navigate the new social demands we're facing as a community, and a quick, reliable fact sheet about COVID-19 to help us stay safe. Please download and share these resources freely and widely, they can be downloaded here, and here.