More Flame Than Film:
Join this Matching Grant Challenge to Complete our Film and Light our Future
I’m thrilled to share that we’ve completed the first cut of our documentary film, The End of Isolation.
Our film is about reimagining justice outside of prisons and jails. It’s also about people coming out of prison and transforming their communities. One of our protagonists shut down a jail in St.Louis, Missouri; another chose to suffer the torture of solitary confinement rather than be forced to pick cotton in an Arkansas prison.
Against all odds and despite overwhelming repression these people are winning–and theirs is exactly the kind of inspiration our country needs right now.
After sharing our rough cut with two phenomenal filmmakers we are confident that what we have is a truly great film, and after two years in the editing room we only need to raise another $30,000 to finish and release our film in 2025.
Will you consider making a tax-deductible donation today?
If you do, it will be doubled through a matching grant challenge from Aleen Stein, CEO of Organa, one of our film’s dedicated producers.
We do not know what lies ahead in this country, but we do know that the communities on the frontlines of justice-transformation need our support more than ever and we need them.
This film is the face of a movement, a movement that’s well-poised to hold its ground in coming years and use this film to build power.
The film we are making will outlive us all. It's more of a flame than a film, a flame will light our future, one we must nurture and keep alive.
In Community,
Sarah Shourd, Founder and Director
The End of Isolation
P.S. If you have ideas for our film we’d love to hear from you. You can email me at or make an appointment for a 30-min call with me so we can brainstorm and explore our alignment.